Become an Associate
We invite all Buffy+ scholars, whether writers or readers, to join the organization. Please send your name and preferred email address to us at [email protected]. We will use that address for communication purposes only.
Those who enroll in the Association for the Study of Buffy+ will receive first notice of new issues of the journal, information about upcoming conferences, shared calls for papers for upcoming books, announcements of association meetings, and more.
In terms of the organization's finances (and, as Buffy discovered in season seven, there are indeed costs for simply existing), the ASB+ proposes to operate in a fashion somewhat similar to NPR (the U.S.'s National Public Radio). For anyone who can provide monetary assistance, $25.00 is the suggested annual contribution for those who are employed full-time; $10.00 is the suggested annual contribution for those employed less than full-time (presumably most students). However, we invite all devotees of Buffy+ scholarship to join the association, with or without financial contribution. Donations can be made through PayPal by clicking the Donate button below.
Those who enroll in the Association for the Study of Buffy+ will receive first notice of new issues of the journal, information about upcoming conferences, shared calls for papers for upcoming books, announcements of association meetings, and more.
In terms of the organization's finances (and, as Buffy discovered in season seven, there are indeed costs for simply existing), the ASB+ proposes to operate in a fashion somewhat similar to NPR (the U.S.'s National Public Radio). For anyone who can provide monetary assistance, $25.00 is the suggested annual contribution for those who are employed full-time; $10.00 is the suggested annual contribution for those employed less than full-time (presumably most students). However, we invite all devotees of Buffy+ scholarship to join the association, with or without financial contribution. Donations can be made through PayPal by clicking the Donate button below.